Auguste Comte was born in Montpellier, France, on January 19, 1798. Although it was a precocious student, did not earn a college degree, a fact that negatively influenced their teaching careers. In 1818 he became secretary and "adopted son" and disciple of Claude Henri Saint-Simon, a philosopher of socialist ideas. They
worked together for several years, but parted ways in 1824 because
Comte Saint-Simon thought it was not enough credit for their ideas. Later,
Comte wrote about his relationship with the utopian socialist calling
it "morbid education received in his teens and taught by a depraved
scheming". Despite
the late hostility he felt toward Saint-Simon, Comte used to
acknowledge their debt to him: "Certainly, I owe much intellectually ...
contributed mightily to guide me in a direction I have not abandoned
philosophical and keep without question all my life "In 1826 Comte planned an integrated course for seventy-two public lectures on his philosophy of life. The
course attracted a distinguished audience, but his progress was
interrupted after the third lesson due to a nervous breakdown. Comte
continued to suffer from mental problems and attempted suicide in 1827
by jumping into the Seine river because of his disagreements with his
wife.Although it did not occupy a fixed position in the Ecole Polytechnique, Comte did a small job as a lecturer in 1832. In 1837 he was awarded one additional examiner for admission to the school, which allowed him to get a regular income. During
this period he worked in the six volumes of what would become his most
reviewed, the Course of Positive Philosophy, published in 1842, which
set out its postulated in which sociology was the latest science, the
pinnacle of science (see their theories), while the Ecole lashed, this attack meant that in 1844 not renew his contract as assistant.In
1851 ended the four volumes of his work positive political system,
which was an effort to provide a more convenient integrated project
reoganización of society.Comte
had some pretty strange ideas, like it that the "mental hygiene" was
best for the good development of their ideas, mental health was to avoid
reading the works of others, and as a result became quite apart major intellectual currents of his time. He also dreamed of being the high priest of a new religion of humanity: the positivism. He believed that the world would eventually ruled by priest-sociologists.He
died on September 5, 1857 and, although his work is overlooked by most
sociologists, leaves a legacy of importance to the invention of the word
"sociology" which replaced the idea of social physics, irregular
success, and especially The development of the central idea of positivism as the philosophy and methodology of social science and science in general
@ Pacoespada1
@ Pacoespada1
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