viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012


Paco de Lucia speaks of suffering in the act of creation, as if it were a baby. In art special sensitivities can converge to make painful that process, if so, the outcome for the developer in terms of personal satisfaction should be sublime and to thank God for his daring, or otherwise destroy all furniture must close by Cross curse or associated with their genius, and I'm not thinking of Gallager, I'm actually a fan of Rory Gallagher, Joe Satriani, or StVay, and if these are duritos.You can create it for some to believe, especially in yourself, to believe that it is able to add something to what already exists, the belief that nature is extensible, which goes beyond what we can see or feel, that nature imitates art. In that sense, we are surprised sometimes by new scientific or technological and thought: this is science fiction, which already Asimov or Lem wrote on the subject, or already out in Star Wars, however, might have to wonder if the child was not discovered, or at another stage of his life, a fan of those stories or those authors, and this influenced his scientific career.There are public for which to create, you can create for yourself, you can create for friends, or for humanity, or for the future, if humanity no longer exists or no trees or rocks. There are methods to create, such as Ramses II, and re-carve destallando feats were failures, the end of history is stubborn and handed the victory to good Mursil the Hittite, but now both take thousands of years dead.The future Ramses betray the poor, however much they irguiera on his throne and remain for ages in that pose uncomfortable stone eroded by the falsity of the desert. The soft sand on which could swim by a breath turns into a hand that erases the face of anyone who believes a god and full of sand as a kid on the beach, and then over a stone cries and hugs her as a mother. But the stone is cold ...The stone building, the experts teach you to do what you already know, the geniuses who know that if something new comes out do not justify that is still selling the same thing for forty years or forty thousand, renaming.Perhaps Ramses was successful because the lies recorded in stone, but on paper or bits, nor last long ... no place even to the penalty or the laughter over those pursuing a dream at all costs and that will be on top of the world and end up crushed in the mud and be eaten by time, not even a photo will be because eventually erase every last trace of his memory, but perhaps his work is preserved, as the bison of Altamira, against criticism, against time, against art ....

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