miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2012

Human evolution, to what?

Over time the human-rather different-human species have evolved biologically in response to changes that have arisen in their natural environment. He first learned to walk upright, this allowed him a free hand to manipulate objects, his jaw dropped at the same time their teeth by eating foods increasingly easy to chew, especially thanks to the discovery of fire that allowed his firing , the time, the skull increased in size to house a brain getting bigger and more powerful, the vocal cords were developed and articulated language appeared ...
Until we developed tools and utensils so sophisticated that, apparently, no longer needed to evolve in biological terms, and conditions that could adapt the environment to their needs rather than human beings adapt to their habitat.
I say apparently, because humans can not keep quiet and always tend to further complicate things. It is also true that man, as we said above, biological evolution has changed the call by social evolution, ie transformed into an environment created by himself and conditioned by culture and civilization.
Now, that seemed outdated conceptions those who claimed decades ago that man in a more or less distant future would enjoy a huge stubborn to accommodate super developed brains, and a frail body, as with many devices would not be required the least physical effort, the genome appears.
It is true that we no longer need to evolve physically (for now) to respond to the challenges that nature throws at us but, as I said, we can not stand still, which is why they have created, on the one hand, a number of orthopedic implants that in most cases are very beneficial to users, enabling them to ride, handling, or even breathing hear. Others however are rather superfluous, as silicone implants, which often are quite unnecessary, although various media insist that psychologically help the wearer - Make no mistake, the opinions expressed in these media are covert advertising often simple, with a pseudo scientific varnish used to benefit the industries - one thing to put a silicone implant in a woman who has undergone a mastectomy and other lips get fatter without. I hope not exaggerating this trend continue or end up looking like a mixture of Robocop and Inspector Gadget.
Moreover, in the era of genetic manipulation and possible human cloning, so if you're not careful, any day you see yourself having coffee at the corner bar, or similar surprises.
Because children can choose "a la carte" racism enhancing technology. Imagine all parents wanting to have children tall, blond, with blue eyes and super smart: Hitler's dream. And the rest do? What the crap?

Scientists also tell us about the early detection of possible diseases that can contracting thanks to genetic tendencies. What we lacked! What companies will take in applying genetic studies of job applicants, to weed out those likely to develop in the distant future dangerous diseases. Knowledge of genetics not serve today to cure all diseases, but they can serve as a discrimination factor, which does not seem a breakthrough.
In the eighties there was a movement within the literature of science fiction called Cyber ​​Punk. Some authors of this trend wrote about a future in which man, as we know, no longer exists. Mankind is divided into two factions fighting each other: the mechanistic, which have replaced much of its instrument bionic artificial organs, and reformists, mutated individuals through genetic manipulation. It is a world dominated by a philosophy called poshumanismo, a dark and dangerous world, without much sense. Inhuman, really.
I think both scientists, as large companies should stop and think whether they are acting responsibly. Perhaps some humanist ethics on his part to get these advances are beneficial to mankind, because the alternative may be that absurd world that created Cyber ​​Punk Boys.


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