viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2012


Globalization, encompassing concept that nice, everything shakes, such as finance, war, disease etc (why I come to mind more bad things than good?) Lies some thirty-five years in the field of Anglo-Saxon universities to apply to three elements whose effects already surpassed national borders, these elements were the environment, the economy and development. Its institutional pillars, the Club of Rome, the World Bank and the IMF developed the first studies in their respective fields with scenarios that span the planet, then came the Internet, television and alleged war uniform extension of culture.I have the suspicion that this concept is more a semantic trap, a word that is used to justify all the problems, something like "the drought" in times of Franco. Everyone knows that concepts, from a scientific or intellectual in general are neutral, but from an ideological vision are not at all well, before we had the drought, it was like around the house, and now we have the layer ozone, for example, or rather his "stubborn" hole, a more cosmopolitan guilty.Another interesting effect of the application of this word is much in economy if, for example, in a country (Spain, without going further) economic situation is more or less well, the current government claims to be shamelessly the effectiveness of economic measures it has taken, but if the economy is bad, then the culprit will be the international situation, because what is usually done is to globalize the problems, and dissolve the powerful responsibility, while the successes are the point. If the U.S. or Germany propose specific solutions to economic problems within the framework of the IMF or the EU and these are successful, will hang the medal though, the costs of these measures (which are usually borne by the third world countries) must, by accusing finger at the effects of globalization suffered.On the world stage virtually no social control over economic or political, is attributed to the economy of their own rationality, even higher than the human, by that which some economists tend to define as economic laws to phenomena that are no more than simple rules, it takes advantage effects of globalization and immigration to solve the problem of diminishing returns (ACT) by cheaper labor costs = costs = social dumping (RULE) whereby who benefits?, for who is going to be!; Alain Touraine globalization establishes equality = capitalism, and it seems that she is right.The items that seem to have adapted better to this process are crime and speculation. While the porous borders allow greater mobility dealers, money launderers and other liberal professionals such, institutions of different countries impede the prosecution, extradition agreements missing there tax shelters and other barriers that favor the criminals . Makes sense when you consider that globalization favors certain forms of capitalism, and there is no doubt that the offense is the most "daring" of capital ownership.These are some of the problems that I see in this whole phenomenon, there are many more. I'm not saying that globalization is bad in fact has also made great progress in other aspects, such as social networks, ease of movement or cheaper products, only to look for solutions to the problems it creates. Before someone pointed reproach me problems but no solutions, I must say that the solutions must instruct those with political responsibility, that's why we pay them.And very well indeed.

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